ProxyVote Plus LLC (PVP) was established in 2002. Since its inception, ProxyVote has been focused on providing high-quality, fiduciary proxy advisory services to Taft-Hartley pension plans. The firm is registered with the SEC as an investment adviser pursuant to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (“Advisers Act”), under the registration category for pension consultants, and is a fiduciary for purposes of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”). We do not sell services to issuers or investment managers.
ProxyVote currently has five employees and approximately 135 clients. The vast majority of our clients have relied on our services for more than ten years, and many have been with us since our formation. The participants and beneficiaries in our clients’ plans come from almost every state in the Union as well as Canada. They are hundreds of thousands of working men and women who are bus drivers, carpenters, drywallers, electricians, laborers, painters, plumbers, sheet metal workers and workers engaged in similar trades. Ensuring that they have dignified, financially secure retirements is a sacred trust. We are proud to serve as a fiduciary to our clients.
Staff Bios

Craig Rosenberg
President - Principal
Craig Rosenberg is the founder of ProxyVote Plus, LLC. Craig is a labor lawyer with thirty years experience working with Taft-Hartley pension funds. He has served in a fiduciary capacity to labor pension funds to manage their proxy voting and advise them on shareholder activism and corporate governance strategies since 1994. He assisted in the drafting of the AFL-CIO Proxy-Voting Guidelines. Craig received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Illinois and his J.D. degree from the George Washington University.

Yvette Gonzalez
Executive Vice President & Director Of Operations - Principal
Yvette Gonzalez is also a Principal of ProxyVote Plus and serves as Director of Operations, as well as overseeing client services. She has over eight years of proxy-voting experience. She previously served as Client Services Coordinator at Taft-Hartley Shareholder Services, a division of Proxy Monitor. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Illinois and is a Sun Certified Java Programmer.

Catherine Benedict Sen
Director, Proxy Voting & Research
Catherine Benedict Sen has been ProxyVote Plus’s Director of Proxy Voting and Research since 2007. From 2004-2007 she was a Senior Analyst in the Corporate Affairs Department at the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, where she conducted corporate research and coordinated its shareholder activism program. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in American Studies from the University of California at Santa Cruz and holds an Emmy Award in the field of Research for the PBS program Africans in America: America's Journey through Slavery.

Marsha Baker
Director, Custodial Relations
Marsha Baker is ProxyVote Plus's Director of Custodial Relations, in which capacity she oversees all relationships with clients' custodial banks. She has over ten years of experience creating and managing databases and currently is responsible for collecting and loading electronic holdings data and reconciling proxies.

Gayle Edmunds
Chief Compliance Officer
Gayle is our Chief Compliance Officer and oversees the financial affairs of PVP. Gayle earned a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a master’s degree in international economics from John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. Prior to PVP Gayle worked at the Commission of the European Community, the Smithsonian Institution, and the Chicago History Museum.